Video: Steps to Using Coupons
Step 1: Get multiple Sunday papers. In Charlottesville, the Washington Post has coupon inserts.
Step 2: Print coupons online.
Step 3: Go the websites for manufacturers. By joining their website, you can often print coupons directly from the website or receive coupons by email.
Step 4: Organize your coupons. The video suggests an accordion style folder, but you may find a 3-Ring binder with clear baseball card holders more helpful.
Step 5: Figure out the policies for coupons at your favorite stores. You may want to print these for your reference or to take to stores in case you run into any problems. TIP: Don't try to use expired coupons. This is the quickest way to annoy your favorite store.
Step 6: Go to websites for stores once their new ads have posted. You may find it easier to visit the forum at websites such as and to get a list of items on sale.
Step 7: Praise your favorite manufacturers. Email them with nice comments about their products or about how you'd like to try their products.
Step 8: Swap coupons with other people.
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